
lundi 21 janvier 2013

Ukulele - The Sheik of Araby (Ukulele resonator)


Hello every one… 

Today I have try to do as good as I can a version of the Sheik of araby with my Resonator Ukulele .
I love this song… with the help of the youtube version of this song (in French by Matohota) I have try to do a complete version (part one and part two).

For the part two, the guitar chords proposition of “the guitar guy” help me very much. 
You can find it HERE (this is a very good web site for those who search good jazz chords arrangement).

In this video I am playing my Fine Resophonic Ukulele (more Info HERE)
I have done my best for the music (and for the English accent !!!!)… I hope you will enjoy this video.

Direct link to the video on youtube : HERE

 The Sheik of araby is a song composed by Ted Snyder and written by Harry B Smith and Francis Wheeler in 1921  (More info on Wikipedia HERE)


dimanche 13 janvier 2013

Le cent-millième visiteur sur mon Blog


Hé hé hé hé... ce matin, alors que je jetais un regard sur les statistiques de mon blog (blog sur lequel vous êtes actuellement...) je me rendis compte que le compteur des visites était à 999976.... j'étais à deux doigts de franchir la ligne des cent mille visiteurs....

à peine le temps de dire "ukulele" (ou "ouf" c'est selon les goûts et les aspirations de chacun) que le compteur explosa littéralement !
La saisie d'écran qui fait foi vous le prouve ci dessous !

je suis très heureux de voir que mes petits articles... (articles de fond et de surface) vous intéressent parfois un petit peu... je vais continuer et même essayer d'être un peu plus prolixe dans les temps à venir...

Donc Aël... est et restera dans TON ordinateur pour encore un moment... qu'on se le dise !!!!!

samedi 12 janvier 2013

Ukulele Resonator Fine Resophonic review (English version)


Hello every body !

Today I have did something who will maybe be interesting for some of you.
I have made a review of my Fine Resophonic Koa Ukulele… in English.

Some of you send me some email about the review of this ukulele that I have done a few mounth ago… in French on English people were sad to didn’t understand anything of what I was saying (of course it was in French).

So… today I have done my best (with my accent and my little vocabulary) to presents you my Fine Resophonic ukulele.

You will see under this text four videos :

- Vidéo 01 : Presentation of Mike Lewis the Fine Resophonic luthier 

- Vidéo 02 : Review of the Fine Resophonic Koa Ukulele

- Vidéo 03 : Only music… I had play as  well as I can some few chords and picking to help you to discover the incredible sound of this ukulele

- Vidéo 04 : A few mounth ago I have done this video of the UkuleleZaza arrangement of Drifting and dreaming

I hope you will appreciated this little videos !

Mike Lewis is building all the Fine Resophonic resonators instruments. For me he is THE best Resonator luthier on the planet… the tone of his instruments are really incredible and he is making instruments who had the exactly beautyfull warm, delicate and strong tone that the National 1920’ 1930’ instruments.


If you prefer to see the four videos directly on you tube :

Video 01     Video 02      Video 03      Video 04